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Pre Junior (1° ano) and Junior (2° - 5° ano)

Pre Junior (6 a 7 anos)

The Pre Junior year is very important for our students’ academic lives. The school day is equally divided between classes in Portuguese and classes in English classes, promoting a truly bilingual environment. The emphasis on reading and writing is given during the classes in Portuguese and subjects as Math, Science, and Social Studies are taught during the classes in English. Students also have Arts, Music, and Physical Education classes that are taught in both languages. Although the students have specific material for the different school subjects, Branta Institute promotes projects, in which the students are stimulated to be key players, not only information receivers.

Junior I, II, III e IV

Entry into Junior marks a significant change in our students’ lives. It is at this stage that they begin to go to school from 7:50am to 14:50pm. They also learn how to deal with different subjects. Our teachers are specialists in their areas. Our program is based on the Brazilian curriculum with an addition of a bilingual program that offers Language, Science, Math, Reading, and Social Studies classes daily. Branta Institute also promotes projects on many areas that stimulate our students’ development as a whole. At Branta Institute, we promote an environment where our students can become citizens of the world. They learn how to deal with different situations and understand the different cultures of the world. Although the students have specific material for the different subjects, Branta Institute promotes projects that are studied deeply and presented to the school community in our annual Knowledge Fairs.

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