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 Social Projects 

In addition to training excellent students, our school also prepares human beings. Having a humanist education, we like our students to know the reality of the community in which they live. In this way, our school, throughout the year, develops social projects. These projects go beyond making donations. They are a way to bring the family and students closer to the educational institution, the school community, and our country’s reality.

Some of our social projects occur every year, such as the months of awareness of traffic hazards,f breast and prostate cancer,  prevention suicide prevention. Furthermore, we also have sustainability projects such as planting trees and raising awareness of reducing the use of plastic cups. In addition, there are projects to collect food, diapers, rations, and hygiene products for entities in the school community.

Also, our students can live the experience of having contact with the external public, such as projects that teach English to children in the school community. In addition to getting hands-on in urban revitalization projects and the creation of vegetable gardens in humbler regions.

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